Keep a Form's Submit button disabled until the Form fields have not changed in a Nuxt/Vue app.

Disable Submit Button if Form has not Changed in a Nuxt/Vue App

Ravgeet Dhillon

Ravgeet Dhillon

Updated on Apr 16, 2022 in Development

⏱ 6 min read

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Forms are one of the most important aspects of any application. It is considered a good UX practice to keep the Save/Submit button disabled until the form contents have not changed. In this tutorial, you’ll take a look at how can you accomplish this behavior in a Nuxt/Vue app.


Creating a Form Template 🔗

First, you need to create a simple form that will help you to understand the concepts of computed and watch properties. In your index.vue file in the pages directory, add the following form template:

<template> <form> <label>Name</label> <input v-model='' /> <label>Age</label> <input v-model='form.age' /> <button :disabled="!changed">Save</button> <form> </template>

In the above template, you have bounded your form data model to form inputs using v-model. The Save button will be disabled if the form fields have not changed.

Writing Vuex Code 🔗

In this example, you’ll use Vuex Store’s state, actions, and mutations to store state and fetch your form data. In your index.js file in the store directory, add the following code:

// initialize the state variables export const state = () => ({ form: {} }) export const actions = { // action to setup form data // you can also do an api call as well init({ commit }) { const data = { name: 'Ravgeet', age: '21', } // add a commit mutuation for changing the state commit('setFormData', data) } } export const mutations = { // mutation to change the state setFormData(state, data) { state.form = data } }

Writing Computed and Watch properties 🔗

At this point, your template and store are set. Next, you need to implement your application logic in your template’s script. In the pages/index.vue file, add the following code below the template:

<script> import { cloneDeep, isEqual } from 'lodash' export default { data() { return { changed: false, // useful for storing form change state form: {}, // data variable to store current form data binding } }, computed: { // store the original form data originalForm() { return this.$store.state.form } }, watch: { // by watching the original form data // create a clone of original form data // and assign it to the form data variable originalForm() { this.form = cloneDeep(this.originalForm) }, // watch the changes on the form data variable form: { handler() { // using lodash to compare original form data and current form data this.changed = !isEqual(this.form, this.originalForm) }, // useful to watch deeply nested properties on a data variable deep: true, }, }, created() { // dispatch an action to fill the store with data this.$store.dispatch('init') } } </script>

In your terminal, run the following command to install lodash:

$ npm install lodash

In the above code:

  1. When the component is created, the init action is dispatched using the created hook. This action causes a mutation in the store and fills the form state variable.
  2. The value of the computed property, originalForm is calculated as it is dependent upon the form state variable.
  3. As the value of originalForm is being watched using the watch hook, the code inside it is executed. A deep clone of originalForm is made and assigned to the form data variable.
  4. Since the value of form is being watched, you use a handler and deep property to run your business logic. You simply check whether the form and originalForm variables are equal using Lodash.

At first, it looks like something very complex is going on but once you break down the things it makes sense.

Results 🔗

Navigate to your browser and check whether you have been able to achieve your purpose of disabling the form submit button if the form fields have not changed at all.

Tutorial to display notification when user is offline in Nuxt/Vue

Voila! You have successfully implemented your workflow. This adds to the UX of your application and saves the user from frustration especially in long forms.


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Ravgeet Dhillon

Ravgeet is a Co-Founder and Developer at RavSam. He helps startups, businesses, open-source organizations with Digital Product Development and Technical Content Writing. He is a fan of Jamstack and likes to work with React, Vue, Flutter, Strapi, Node, Laravel and Python. He loves to play outdoor sports and cycles every day.


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